Finding the right ring size is crucial for a comfortable and secure fit. Here at Le Silber Co, we understand that navigating different sizing systems can be confusing. This guide will help you determine your ring size using a simple method:


  • Grab a strip of paper or string and wrap it snugly around the base of your desired finger. It should fit comfortably, not too loose or tight.
  • Mark the spot where the ends meet with a pen.
  • Measure the distance between the mark and the end of the paper/string with a ruler in centimeter (cm) or millimeters (mm).
  • Use a ring size conversion chart (US or HK system) to find the corresponding size based on your measurement.

Important Note:
While this method offers a starting point, slight variations of a few millimeters can occur. Ring size can also be affected by factors like knuckle size and hand temperature.  For the most accurate measurement, we highly recommend contacting our friendly customer service team. They'll be happy to assist you in finding the perfect ring size for a comfortable and confident wear!

Ring Size

Our support team is available to assist you with any inquiries or concerns you may have. Please feel free to reach out to us at hello@lsbjewels.com and we will be happy to help.